By: Valentina García Acosta
Las flores marchitas como eco de un amor abandonado (photo of the author by Eva Valiño de Jong).
Eleanor Rigby es mi canción favorita de los Beatles. Siempre he interpretado la letra como la historia de un amor imposible entre un sacerdote cristiano y una mujer solitaria. Me inspiró el sentimiento de completa desolación que todos sufrimos cuando no escuchamos lo que nuestro corazón anhela. Finalmente, la letra de la canción incluye esta estrofa final antes del estribillo:
“Eleanor Rigby
Died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie
Wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved”
The Beatles, “Eleanor Rigby”, “Yellow Submarine”, 1968.
A continuación está mi interpretación, en forma de poema, de esta idea y canción.
All the lonely people
Are washed down the shore.
The waves of solitude
swallow the remains of our sorrow.
When will we be full, if not together?
Soulless steps taken in the name of God, push us through despair.
The kisses we never gave away, remain locked under your fingers.
Where touch will be enough reason for me to give up the wall we built,
stone by stone.
The secret of why I choke up at the sight of you
is lying behind my tombstone,
waiting for me to misstep.
To whisper the reason of my mortality is to open the path for regret.
The dark cloud over my bed foretells the pause until my eternal sleep.